The International Communicator program

building language skills for the international settings

To find which program is for you
check the roadmap below
and find your side.



✅ You are placed as an Upper Intermediate level (B2) or Advanced level (C1) on a level placement test and still feel a little confused about using the proper verbal tense, missing some word meanings and struggling more than you should when you need to speak in English.

✅ You want to learn English from an integrative perspective – you are tired of grammar and pronunciation lessons and no lessons on how to communicate your thoughts and views in the international setting appropriately.

✅ You are considering work, study or immigration, and you want to develop a global mindset as you will be speaking in English internationally.

✅ You want to be a step ahead and develop socio-cultural skills while you learn English to be genuinely ready for the multicultural work industry.

✅ You are considering work, study or immigration, the English language is an absolute necessity, and you want to develop valuable and suitable skills to navigate the real world.

✅ You want to find your voice and use it while you speak English in an international setting.

✅ You want to respect your learning process and get more clarity on what works and doesn’t work for you regarding learning English so that you can become the authoritative voice when deciding how to apply your time, energy and resources better.

✅ You want to stop self-sabotaging and start living up to your full professional potential working in multicultural settings, but you feel you need to work on your language skills a bit more.

✨You are a career-oriented person, and self-actualization through work is your thing!


The Building Language Skills for the International Setting Program – BLIS©

is for you!

Learn More


✅You are placed as a proficient speaker on a level placement test, but somehow you still feel like your message won’t come out in the “right way.” Instead, you notice people’s impatience and feel belittled and unheard.

✅ You are already working in an international setting but find yourself removed from the action and not participating actively in meetings or social gatherings as you would if you were speaking your native language.

✅ You want to be more assertive, objective and effective whenever and wherever you speak in English to feel confident when communicating interculturally.

✅You are a skilled and competent professional, and you would like to voice it in English confidently in the international professional setting.

✅ You want to deliver your message aligned with who you are so that you can be authentic, speak from a place of power and create long-lasting intercultural connections.

✅ You want to understand how language and culture correlate and what you can do to adjust the language appropriately when working and relating interculturally.

✅ You want to understand socio-cultural relations so that your message has more impact and delivers what you think and feel.

✅ You want to stop self-sabotaging and start living up to your full professional potential working in multicultural settings.

✨You are a career-oriented person, and self-actualization through work is your thing!


The International Communicator Program – TICP©

is for you!

Learn More

Building Language Skills for the International Setting – BLIS© is an English language learning program like no other.

It was designed to help students to develop their language skills alongside their cultural intelligence quotient so they feel ready to work, adapt and thrive in multicultural environments while speaking English as a foreign language.

Building Language Skills for the International Setting Program - BLIS©

Building Language Skills for the International Setting – BLIS© is an English language learning program like no other.

It was designed to help students to develop their language skills alongside their cultural intelligence quotient so they feel ready to work, adapt and thrive in multicultural environments while speaking English as a foreign language.

Building Language Skills for the International Setting Program - BLIS©
Diversity team
Building Language Skills for the International Setting Program - BLIS©

BLIS© assists you through continuous support so that you can develop your cultural quotient while learning the English language, which will place you one step ahead in the international professional setting.   

I am here to provide the international community with the tools they need to leverage their skillset, communicate effectively and navigate multicultural environments with confidence – even if they are still learning the English language. 


The BLIS© Framework

A limited number of students per class (maximum of 10-12) enables learning and collaboration in a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment.

Sessions occur three times a week, as detailed below:

1h15m: Building language Skills

General and Business English lessons aiming at developing language capabilities – listening, speaking, writing, and reading.

1h15m: English for Communication

Practical lessons designed to tackle critical communication points in English.

Example: Mixed verbal tenses, vocabulary building, and usages, sophisticated sentence structuring, Intuitive pronunciation©, etc.

1h: Building Cultural Intelligence Quotient

Group-coaching sessions where we work together to develop cultural intelligence skills and build a cultural quotient which will enable successful communication in multicultural environments.

Due to a hectic schedule, I will be only taking in two cohorts

➡️One group for intermediate-level speakers

➡️One for advanced-level speakers

The International Communicator Program© 

The International Communicator program: TICP© is Communicate You™ proprietary and original methodology developed to expand and evolve the communicative capabilities of non-native English speakers professionals working in multicultural settings.

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TICP© is an intercultural communication training focused on the English language.
A holistic approach to communication in English that comprehends the cultural impact and correlation to language and the development of emotional and social intelligence capabilities.

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TICP© was developed considering my experience as a non-native English speaker professional working in multicultural settings plus 12 years of experience teaching the language, but mainly because I realized non-native English speakers were going abroad to work and relate, trusting their language skills to be the end-all of intercultural communication.

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I believe intercultural communication for non-native English speakers should enable, prepare and propel international professionals into achievement instead of keeping them trapped on a hamster wheel of only learning the language and no real readiness for the multifaceted and challenging global work life.

I’m on a mission to provide ambitious international English speakers professionals with the tools they need to leverage their skillset abroad, communicate effectively and authentically, and navigate multicultural environments confidently.

The TICP© Framework

The International Communicator Program© is a program based on The International Communicator Methodology©: a proprietary, innovative methodology built on research-based theories for working effectively in international settings while speaking English as a foreign/second language. 

Our methodology understands successful intercultural communication for non-native English Speakers not only through language acquisition but also through:

Increasing cultural intelligence quotient and skills to navigate the intercultural professional world effectively

Understanding the language cultural contexts for superior language usage in the international setting

Expanding interpersonal communication skills to create authentic and long-lasting connections

TICP© is a 3-month program that assists non-native English speakers in developing cultural intelligence competence, performing superior language adjustments considering cultural forces present in the English language and expanding interpersonal skills to thrive confidently as international communicators in multicultural workspaces.
Phase 1: Enhancing cultural intelligence
  • Developing cultural intelligence competencies to adapt and navigate multicultural settings;
  • Understanding the impacts of your cultural background in the intercultural communication process;
  • Applying the cultural intelligence model to your language expansion;
  • Learning how to perform Objective Language Analysis© and Objective Cultural Context Analysis© to assess independently personal communication pitfalls and intercultural scenarios.
Phase 2: Language Adjustment for the International Setting
  • Learning and exploring The English Language Cultural Context© and The English Language Communicative Profile© to perform superior language adjustments in the international setting;
  • Intuitive Pronunciation© methodology and continuous reflection on language usage that goes beyond accents modifying training;
  • Developing an assertive communication style supported by The Language Communicative Profile©.
Phase 3: Interpersonal Skills for the International communicator
  • Identifying emotional blockages that might be preventing you from achieving your professional goals while communicating in English in an international setting;
  • Learning techniques to better express your subjective experience in English considering the international professional setting;
  • Cultivating an understanding of emotional intelligence skills and how to perform behavioral adjustments when relating with the international community.

The program is delivered through nine live 1:1 sessions over a period of 3 months – the space between some sessions is two weeks to provide time for the client to apply the strategies and return for guidance and mentoring.

Recorded lessons + worksheets provided.

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TICP® is a program to set you apart from the competition, providing you with the tools to crush anxiety, awkwardness, and insecurities of speaking English in the international setting once and for all!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you say that only learning English is not enough to communicate appropriately in an international setting?

I say it for two reasons: First-hand experience working and living abroad and 12+ years of experience working in the ESL/EFL industry.

Despite my knowledge of the language, I could only become confident and objective in communicating in English internationally once I worked on developing my cultural intelligence quotient.

From then on, my message became clear, and at the same time, my ability to work and relate across cultures was enhanced.  

What is cultural intelligence, and why do I have to develop it if I only want to learn English?

Professors Christopher Earley and Soon Ang (2003) define cultural intelligence as the ability to adapt to new cultural settings. It’s deeply rooted in research and provides a model divided into capabilities to enhance CQ in individuals.

It’s not about memorizing everything about all cultures in the world and spewing it onto people whenever working cross-culturally; instead, It’s about developing a set of skills that allows people to enter international settings confidently as they can adapt and thrive promptly.  

It passes through acknowledging your cultural background, how it interferes in relating with people from different cultures and what you can do to ground your actions in a place that allows accommodation for other people’s cultures.     

Allying your language skills to cultural intelligence skills will make you a powerful international communicator. As English is the tool that enables international communication, cultural intelligence becomes a crucial skill for non-native English speakers venturing abroad.

Can I not work on developing my cultural intelligence skills on my own?

You certainly could, but as Livermore (2011) stated, developing cultural intelligence demands conscious effort. Meaning involves trial and error and subsequent reflection. Working with guidance is working smarter.

Besides, developing and learning cultural and language capabilities simultaneously can save time, effort and money. 

How would I know the best program option for me?

Check out our full Roadmap HERE. If you are still uncertain, book a call HERE - I will be more than glad to help you identify the pitfalls in your communication and what you could do to become the international communicator you were born to be.  

How do I know my English level?

You can take Communicate You© Level Placement Test (coming soon), but any level placement test can tell you what your current language level is.

Do you have programs for beginners (A1, A2)?

Not at this moment. At the Beginners Level (A1 and A2 in the CEFR scale), there is still the need to build on the language skills first. Only when reaching the Independent User Level (B1* and B2), where considerable language knowledge already exists, can we work on expanding the language’s communication capabilities by adding cultural intelligence to the mix. 

 You can follow this link at the Council of Europe for more information about English language levels:

* B1-level speakers might need to be assessed individually through video calls.

How long do the programs take?

BLIS© for Intermediate Level - 6 months, three weekly group sessions.

BLIS© for Advanced Level - 6 months, three weekly group sessions.

TICP© for Proficient Level - 3 months, nine 1:1 sessions*.  

* In the TICP© program, the space between some sessions is two weeks to provide time for the client to apply the strategies and return for guidance and mentoring.

Still not sure which program would be a good fit for you? Let’s talk!
Sign up for my 30-minute free Reality Check HERE.

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