I’m Anna Gomes-Paris

and I am here to transform
your intercultural communication game

multicultural people talking at work

After working five years in multicultural environments, I realized that communicating appropriately and objectively without losing sight of who you are and the value you bring to the table as a professional was crucial – mainly when you have to do it while speaking English as a foreign language.

The problem is…

Many non-native English speakers learn the language, reach independent user levels, and STOP THERE, only to be disappointed with their communication skills once they start working in multicultural settings with people from all over the world.

Think about it…

If English is the international language of business, science, and diplomacy (McGovern, 2019), it means that every non-native English speaker must learn the language before venturing their talents in intercultural scenarios





But how about the skills that will improve communication and cross-cultural work?

Although everyone presents a CQ (cultural quotient – much like IQ or EQ), not everyone works on developing it.

Developing cultural intelligence skills demands intentional effort, and it can be the ultimate predictor of success in adjusting and adapting to complex situations of life abroad
(Livermore, 2011). 

Intercultural communication for

non-native English speakers?


I remember googling ESL + culture and only getting offers for training that would focus either on language learning or improving cultural competence.

As a language specialist working and living in an English-speaking country, I could see the correlation between culture and the English language so clearly.

I felt I had to do something about it.

It took me two years of hitting my head against this massive (and invisible) wall to finally put my finger on the intersection between language and culture and how learning these skills TOGETHER would uncomplicate and propel my professional life forward.

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I’m here for you, so you don’t have to go through this hassle all alone.

I developed two intercultural communication trainings
(BLIS© and TICP©) from a holistic, cross-disciplinary, and integrative perspective, with the English language at the centre of it so that non-native English speakers could communicate their expertise and experiences while creating authentic borderless connections. 

Communicate You© was born out of a desire of a (primarily) ESL/EFL English teacher to empower non-native English speakers to communicate appropriately and efficiently in the intercultural work setting so they feel confident in achieving their international professional goals while enjoying it.

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I hope you will join my mission to elevate the non-native English speaker community’s confidence to speak English internationally from a place of ease and power!  

From non-native English speaker to an International Communicator:

The (self-)Discovery journey!

Trees Fall Canada


Worked on an interprofessional project alongside people from different cultural backgrounds at George Brown College developing e-learning content for an extracurricular tool to assist learning across programs like nursing, gerontology, Social Service work, etc.

I had to produce a lot of creative content for this job. This language pattern became more apparent to me: The ESL/EFL teacher began to understand that objectivity, appropriateness, and thoroughness sounded in a particular way in English. It had nothing to do with modal verbs and everything to do with cultural values being transmitted through the language. 

Developed and facilitated engagement workshops for the Portuguese Speaker community to empower parents whose English is a second language so they could advocate for their children within the school and the community.

I became an observer whenever people spoke in English – native and non-native speakers. I also taught people some of the strategies for language usage I used when I wanted to communicate effectively in multicultural settings. I felt empowered because I was able to empower other non-native English speakers.


Worked as an English as a Second Language teacher for more than 500+ students from at least 16 countries.

Communicate You© started to take form; I started sharing my ideas on Instagram®, looking to form a community interested in a new perspective on communicating in English internationally. I took in a few clients to help them build language skills first so we could expand on their intercultural communication game later on.

The Building Language Skills for the International Setting© – (BLIS©) was born.


Started working with clients, developed a methodology and tested it with/on them – Those would become the basis of the two programs we are offering today! (YAY!)


Moved to Canada to experience life, work and study abroad. I knew that would broaden my horizons as a professional (I had been an English as a foreign language teacher for almost ten years back then) and as a person.

It was the first (and most brutal) wake-up call: My language skills were confronted by the English-speaking country and the multicultural city I had chosen to live in.

Worked as a note-taker for the Accessibility Centre at George Brown College in Toronto, providing students with written detailed information about many different fields of study.

This job allowed me to observe people from different cultural backgrounds interacting and speaking in English in a formal setting (post-secondary institution). At the same time I was note-taking I would also work closely with the language itself, and I started noticing that there was a subtle pattern the language would conform to.


Graduated from the TESL – Teaching English as a Second Language program at CCLCS, Toronto.

I missed teaching and wanted to return to it, so I needed international certification. At the same time, I was battling with self-limiting beliefs and struggling to put my message out there. After much inner work, I did it, I knew I had generated results for myself, and I could communicate and navigate multicultural settings with much ease now; I should help people to do the same. The International Communicator Program© (TICP©) was born.

Graduated magna cum laude from the Social Service worker Program at George Brown College.

Despite working (a lot) in these jobs and on the international communicator methodology© on the side and studying simultaneously, I graduated with honours: nothing much – just proud of myself (wink!).

I also started working with clients at a community centre, and creating action plans to help my clients overcome challenges was my favourite part of the job.


It’s your turn to be part of this timeline.

Choose your path below!

Trees Fall Canada


Moved to Canada to experience life, work and study abroad. I knew that would broaden my horizons as a professional (I had been an English as a foreign language teacher for almost ten years back then) and as a person.

It was the first (and most brutal) wake-up call: My language skills were confronted by the English-speaking country and the multicultural city I had chosen to live in.

Worked as a note-taker for the Accessibility Centre at George Brown College in Toronto, providing students with written detailed information about many different fields of study.

This job allowed me to observe people from different cultural backgrounds interacting and speaking in English in a formal setting (post-secondary institution). At the same time I was note-taking I would also work closely with the language itself, and I started noticing that there was a subtle pattern the language would conform to.


Worked on an interprofessional project alongside people from different cultural backgrounds at George Brown College developing e-learning content for an extracurricular tool to assist learning across programs like nursing, gerontology, Social Service work, etc

I had to produce a lot of creative content for this job. This language pattern became more apparent to me: The ESL/EFL teacher began to understand that objectivity, appropriateness, and thoroughness sounded in a particular way in English. It had nothing to do with modal verbs and everything to do with cultural values being transmitted through the language.  

Developed and facilitated engagement workshops for the Portuguese Speaker community to empower parents whose English is a second language so they could advocate for their children within the school and the community.

I became an observer whenever people spoke in English – native and non-native speakers. I also taught people some of the strategies for language usage I used when I wanted to communicate effectively in multicultural settings. I felt empowered because I was able to empower other non-native English speakers.


Graduated from the TESL – Teaching English as a Second Language program at CCLCS, Toronto.

I missed teaching and wanted to return to it, so I needed international certification. At the same time, I was battling with self-limiting beliefs and struggling to put my message out there. After much inner work, I did it, I knew I had generated results for myself, and I could communicate and navigate multicultural settings with much ease now; I should help people to do the same. The International Communicator Program© (TICP©) was born.

Graduated magna cum laude from the Social Service worker Program at George Brown College.

Despite working (a lot) in these jobs and on the international communicator methodology© on the side and studying simultaneously, I graduated with honours: nothing much – just proud of myself (wink!).

I also started working with clients at a community centre, and creating action plans to help my clients overcome challenges was my favourite part of the job.


Worked as an English as a Second Language teacher for more than 500+ students from at least 16 countries.

Communicate You© started to take form; I started sharing my ideas on Instagram®, looking to form a community interested in a new perspective on communicating in English internationally. I took in a few clients to help them build language skills first so we could expand on their intercultural communication game later on.

The Building Language Skills for the International Setting© – (BLIS©) was born.


Started working with clients, developed a methodology and tested it with/on them – Those would become the basis of the two programs we are offering today! (YAY!)


It’s your turn to be part of this timeline.

Choose your path below!


our programs

Building Language Skills for the International Setting Program - BLIS©

BLIS© was designed to help students to develop their language skills alongside their cultural intelligence quotient - a success-predicting factor when working and living abroad.

The International Communicator Program - TICP©

Communicate You™ proprietary and original methodology developed to expand and evolve the communicative capabilities of non-native English speakers professionals working in multicultural settings.

Not sure which one is the best fit for you?

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